Fysioterapeuten 2-2019

20 FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 2/19 fag VITENSKAPELIG ARTIKKEL Abstract n Aims : The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between performance and training characteristics of recreational runners participating in the BMW Oslo Marathon 2017. n Methods : A descriptive quantitative, cross-sectional research design was used to collect information regarding the participants training characteristics. A total of 2,245 participants (42.6±11.2 years) with 938 female (41.2±10.9 years) and 1,307 males (43.7±11.4 years) who completed either the 10,000m, half-marathon or marathon were included. n Results : Training volume tended to increase with increasing competition distance. A moderate to low negative relationship was observed between weekly training volume and finishing time for all distances. Runners aged ≥41 years tended to run slower than runners aged ≤40 years. Normal weight participants ran faster and trained more compared to overweight participants. n Conclusions : Only small differences in running times were found for any of the distances between runners aged ≤40 and ≥41 years. Runners aged ≥41 years were found to run more km per week compared to runners aged ≥41 years. The runners in the present study trained, on average, fewer km per week than what has previously been reported and recommended for recreational runners in the research literature n Keywords : Training volume, training frequency, gender, BMI. Relationship between level of performance and training characteristics of runners competing in the Oslo Marathon Leif Inge Tjelta , dr. philos og dosent i treningslære, Institutt for grunnskolelærer- utdanning, idrett og spesialpedagogikk ved Universitetet i Stavan- ger. Leif.i.tjelta@uis.no. Shaher A. I. Shalfawi , ph.d. og førstea- manuensis i idrettsvitenskap, Institutt for grunnskolelærerutdanning, idrett og spesi- alpedagogikk ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Vienna Søyland Dahle , MSc. utdan- ningsvitenskap med fordypning i idrett/ kroppsøving, Institutt for grunnskolelærer- utdanning, idrett og spesialpedagogikk ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Denne vitenskapelige artikkelen er fagfellevurdert etter Fysioterapeutens ret- ningslinjer, og ble akseptert 28. november 2018. Studien er godkjent av Norsk senter for forskningsdata. Ingen interessekonflik- ter oppgitt. Merknad: Delt 1. forfatterskap mellom Leif Inge Tjelta, Shaher A. I. Shalfawi og Vienna Søyland Dahle. Introduction During the last four decades there has been an increasing interest in running as a form of physical activity in the western world (1). The primary reason reported for regularly practicing running is health and wellbeing (2, 3). The most popular race distances in the U.S.A. in 2016 were 5,000 m (8.2 million finishers; 49% of all finishers), 10,000 m (7% of all finishers), half-marathon (11% of all finishers) and marathon (507,600 finishers; 3% of all finishers). Female runners were re- ported to account for 57% of all finishers in 2017 (4). In Norway, there has been a substantial increase in the number of participants in half-marathon competitions over time. The largest marathon and half-marathon com- petition in Norway is the BMW Oslo Ma- rathon. In 1981, 1,336 competitors finished the half-marathon and 642 finished the ma- rathon. By comparison, in 2016 there were 8,007 and 2,399 finishers of the half- and full marathon, respectively (5). The larger