Fysioterapeuten 2-2019

26 FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 2/19 FAG VITENSKAPELIG ARTIKKEL respective of age (19-21). Women and men with BMI≤25 ran faster in all three distances compared to women and men with BMI>25 (Table 4). Body weight is an important factor in the measurement of VO 2max in ml×kg-1×min-1. According to Kim and So (22) there is sig- nificant negative correlation between BMI and VO 2max ,which is one of the main physio- logical factors accounting for success in long distance events (7, 8). The training volume and weekly number of interval sessions for the participants in the study are self-repor- ted based on what they presume to have carried out and there is always uncertainty related to self-reported training. However, in this study the runners were found to run less km per week than recommended for re- creational runners in the research literature, and this is despite the fact that recreational runners tend to over report their training volume (23). Conclusion Although the present study demonstrates a significant negative relationship between training volume and finishing time in 10,000 m, half-marathon and marathon, the run- ners in the present study ran, on average, fe- wer km per week than the research literature has previously recommended for recreatio- nal runners. Not surprisingly, men ran fas- ter than women and runners with BMI≤25 ran faster than runners with BMI>25 for all distances. More surprisingly, only trivial differences in running times for any of the distances were observed between runners aged ≤40 and ≥41 years, and runners aged ≥41 years were found to run more km per week compared to runners aged ≤40 years. References 1. Gorichanaz T. Beautiful and sublime: the aesthetics of running in a commodified world. Journal of Philosophy in Sport. 2016;43(3):365-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/0094 8705.2016.1206826 2. Tjelta LI, Berge IB. 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Det ble funnet moderat til lavt negativt samsvar mellom ukentlig trenings- volum og løpstid på alle distanser. Løpere ≥41 år løp litt saktere enn løpere ≤40 år. Normalvektige løpere løp fortere og trente mer enn løpere med overvekt. n Konklusjon : Kun lav statistisk signifikant forskjell i løpstider på alle distanser ble fun- net mellom løpere ≤40 og ≥41 år. Det ble videre funnet at løpere ≥41 år løp flere km per uke sammenliknet med løpere ≤40 år. Løperne i denne studien løp i snitt færre km per uke enn det som er rapportert og anbefalt for mosjonister i forskningslitteraturen. n Nøkkelord : Treningsmengde, treningshyppighet, kjønn, KMI. https://fysioterapeuten.no/Fag-og-vitenskap/Forfatterveiledning