Fysioterapeuten 3-2018

26 FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 3/18 det store antallet barn blir det kun gjen- nomført oksygenopptaksmålinger på rundt 10 prosent av elevene (ca. 300 barn). Under- søkelsen foretas på alle elever i første trinn og disse blir fulgt opp med oksygenopptaks- testing gjennom hele prosjektperioden frem til 2021. Blodprøver Blodprøvetaking ble utført av kvalifiserte bioingeniører i etterkant av de andre tes- tene. Blodprøvene ble foretatt ikke-fastende på skolen. Det måtte samtykkes for blodprø- vetaking utover samtykket for deltakelse i selve prosjektet. Prøvene ble analysert ved Vestfold sentralsykehus (Sentrallaborato- riet) for total kolesterol, HDL, ferritin, jern, langtids blodsukker, hemoglobin, hemato- krit, B12 og mCRP. Avslutning Kritiske suksessfaktorer for en god datainnsamling Tre år med testing har gitt erfaringer knyttet til hva som kjennetegner god datainnsam- ling. Tester som er utfordrende med hensyn til utstyr, gjennomføring og spørsmål knyt- tet til resultatene må evalueres om fortsatt skal inkluderes i testbatteriet. I HOPP-pro- sjektet har Spenst-test, PEF-test og balanse- test blitt evaluert bort. God opplæring og veiledning av testle- derne er viktig. HOPP-prosjektet er avhen- gig av studenter fra HKIH. Dette innebærer mange fordeler, men også utfordringer. Ved å gi studenter ansvar for gjennomføring av tester må en forsikre seg om at god opplæ- ring er gitt. Feil ved tester eller ID-koder innebærer stort merarbeid. Nok studenter for å kunne gjennomføre testingen til nor- mert tid er nødvendig. God kommunikasjon med skolene er vik- tig. I en travel skolehverdag må mange hen- syn tas i forhold til skoleutflukter, oppdeling av klasser med mer. Det å levere forslag til skolene i forkant av testperioden med hvilke klasser som testes til hvilket klokkeslett gjør gjennomføringen enklere. Motstanden hos fagpersoner ved skolene reduseres ved test- gjennomføring i henhold til testplan. Studien skal ferdigstilles i 2021. Referanser 1. Conexus.net. 2017. URL: http://conexus.net/nb/ product-intro-insight/ (Lest: 15.12.17). 2. Fredriksen PM, Hjelle OP, Mamen A, Meza TJ, Wes- terberg AC. The health Oriented pedagogical project (HOPP) - a controlled longitudinal school-based physical activity intervention program . BMC Public Health. 2017;17(1):370. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017- 4282-. 3. Harter, S., Effectance motivation reconsidered: Toward a developmental model. Human Development, 1978. 1: p. 34-64. 4. Nilsson A, Ekelund U, Yngve A, Sjostrom M: Assessing physical activity among children with accelerometers using different time sampling intervals and place- ments . Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2002, 14: 87-96. 5. Talma H, Chinapaw MJ, Bakker B, HiraSing RA, Terwee CB, Altenburg TM. Bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate body composition in children and adolescents: a systematic review and evidence appraisal of validity, responsiveness, reliability and measurement er- ror . Obes Rev 2013; 14: 895–90. 6. Mathiowetz V, Weber K, Volland G, Kashman N (1984). Reliability and validity of grip and pinch strength evaluations .  Journal of Hand Surgery 9A: 222–6. 7. Eriksen B, Eriksen C. Effects of noise letters upon the identification of a target letter in a nonsearch task . Psychophysiol Perseption. 1974;143–9. 8. MacLeod CM. Half a century of research on the Stroop effect: an integrative review . Psychol Bull. 1991 Mar;109(2):163–203. 9. Mattejat F, Remschmidt H. ILK - Das Inventar zur Erfas- sung der Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (ILK) - (The inventory of life quality in children and adolescents ILC). Bern: Hans Huber Verlag; 2006. 10. Goodman A, Goodman R. Strengths and difficulties questionnaire as a dimensional measure of child mental health . J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009 Apr;48(4):400–3. 11. Øverby N, Andersen L. Ungkost-2000. Landsomfat- tende kostholdsundersøkelse blant elver i 4. -og 8. klasse i Norge . Oslo: Sosial- og helsedirektoratet, Avdeling for ernæring; 2002 p. 40. 12. Jozefiak T, Larsson B, Wichstrøm L, Wallander J, Matte- jat F. Quality of Life as reported by children and parents: a comparison between students and child psychiatric outpatients . Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2010;8:136. 13. Wichstrøm L. Harter’s Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents: reliability, validity, and evaluation of the question format . J Pers Assess. 1995 Aug;65(1):100–16. 14. Andersen LB, Andersen TE, Andersen E, Anderssen SA. An intermittent running test to estimate maximal oxygen uptake: the Andersen test . J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2008 Dec;48(4):434–7. FAG VITENSKAPELIG ARTIKKEL Title: Health promotion in Horten municipality – effect of active learning in primary school Abstract n Background : In 2014, the municipality of Horten initiated Health promotion in Horten municipality (HOPP). A subproject of the HOPP project, HOPPLæring, was implemented in all primary schools in the municipality with the intention of increasing the activity le- vel and improving the academic performance in all pupils. The background for HOPPLæ- ring is based on concern related to possible falling physical form, increasing overweight and inactivity in children. The HOPP intervention replaces parts of ordinary classroom learning with physical tasks. The school-based activity program at the intervention schools involves an additional 45 minutes of physical activity per day. n Purpose : To map the effect of the intervention Horten municipality collaborate with University College of Kristiania, the Department of Health Sciences (HKIH). The article reflects on the success criteria underlying a good project implementation. n Method : The intervention group includes all seven primary schools in Horten municipa- lity. The control group consists of Rasta school in Lørenskog municipality and Eiksmarka school in Bærum municipality. In spring 2015, baseline values were captured with a participation rate of 2,297 pupils (82%), and annual tests will be conducted every spring semester until 2021. The project uses a test battery which measures activity levels, physical tests, cognitive tests, fitness tests and blood tests (blood tests requires consent in addition to participation in the project). n Results : The sample size imply strong generalization to the general population of children in similar age-groups. However, the sample size involves a large amount of demanding logistics. Success criteria for a good project implementation are continuous assessment of tests included in the test battery, good training and guidance of test managers and good communication with the schools. n Conclusion : HOPPLæring is an educational model that requires a lot of change in school life. It is important to measure whether the effect of the educational model affects children’s activity level and academic learning. Good project implementation is important to get accurate data to answer this question. n Keywords : Physical activity, primary school, academic learning, active learning, inter- vention effect, project management, physical and cognitive tests.