Fysioterapeuten 5-2023

FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 5/23 27 wellness. Child: care, health and development. 2017;43(3):334-47. 26. Ford K, Dickinson A, Water T, Campbell S, Bray L, Carter B. Child centred care: challenging assumptions and repositioning children and young people. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2018;43:e39-e43. 27. BjorbækmoWS, Greve A, Asbjørnslett M. “This is not me”–A critical discussion about methodological issues concerning agency and participatory sense-making in qualitative research with children. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2022 Aug 7;21:16094069221118990. 28. Malterud, K. Fokusgrupper som forskningsmetode for medisin og helsefag. Universitetsforlaget; 2020. 161s. Fotnotar [1] I artikkelen er omgrepet «overvekt» brukt som samleomgrep for bade overvekt (iso-KMI >25) og fedme (iso-KMI >30). [2] Herifrå bruker vi “barn”som samleomgrep for “barn og unge”. Title: The physiotherapy practice for children and adolescents with overweight: A qualitative focus group interview study of physiotherapists’ experiences Abstract Purpose: The purpose of the study is to generate knowledge about the characteristics of the professional physiotherapy practice for children and adolescents with overweight. Design, material and method: Two qualitative focus group interviews with a total of seven physioterapists. The empirical material is analysed tematically. Theoretically, the analysis is inspired by the term «the professional gaze», which in this study is the “physiotherapy gaze”. Findings: The findings are presented as four themes: 1) Weight as reason to get access to physiotherapy services, 2) Parental participation as part of the physiotherapy offer, 3) Overweight and challenging family situations, and 4) Physiotherapy – a practice for good body experiences. The findings show that the professional practice of physiotherapists who work with children and adolescents with overweight is characterised by the fact that weight has become a direct reason for referral to physiotherapy after health nurses in line with current health policy measure and weigh children and adolescents. Parental participating is part of the physiotherapy practice and the physiotherapists experience overweight as part of challenging family situations. Pleasure of movement and a good relationship to one’s own body is also a central characteristic of the actual physiotherapy practice. Conclusion: We argue that the physiotherapists’ professional practice should primarily emphasise that children discover their own forms of movement and physical activity that they enjoy and can continue inspite of their overweight. This will provide good health benefits in youth and adult life. Keywords: children and adolescents, overweight, physiotherapy practice. Også i 2024 søker fagutgivelsen å favne hele faget fysioterapi. Redaksjonen ønsker at bredden av faget skal belyses - samtidig som vi håper å dykke ned i enkeltområder. Du som faglig bidragsyter og forfatter kan være med på å sette retning for denne utgivelsen. Manusfrist for alle Fysioterapeutens artikkelkategorier settes til 1. august 2024. Utgivelse: 13. november 2024. Fagutgivelsen 2024 https://www.fysioterapeuten.no/forfatterveiledning/121682