Fysioterapeuten 7-2022

FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 7/22 29 utvikling av samhandlingsmodeller kan bedre samarbeidet om å fremme arbeidsdeltakelse hos pasienter som er sykmeldt. Takk Takk til Nic Eland, Ida Kvinge, Randi Sviland og Bente Frisk for gode innspill til studien. Referanser 1. van der Noordt M, Jzelenberg H, Droomers M et al. Health effects of employment: a systematic review of prospective studies. Occup Environ Med. 2014;71(10):730-6. https://doi.org/10.1136/oemed-2013-101891 2. Waddell GBA. Is work good for your health and well-being? London: University of Huddersfield; 2006. https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/51.2.124 3. Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt 2018. Faktabok om arbeidsmiljø og helse. 4. Regjeringen. IA-avtalen 2019 [updated 25.04.2022. Available from: https:// www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/arbeidsliv/arbeidsmiljo-og-sikkerhet/inkluderende_arbeidsliv/ia-avtalen-20192022/hva-er-inkluderende-arbeidsliv/ id2631314/ 5. Helsedirektoratet, Arbeids-og velferdsdirektoratet. 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Title: How do physiotherapists include the work perspective in the treatment of patients on sick leave for musculoskeletal disorders? Abstract Purpose: Explore how physiotherapists in private practice, educated during the last 10 years in Norway, include the work perspective in treatment of patients on sick leave for musculoskeletal disorders, who they collaborate with and how they experience their role and competence in the field. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with nine physiotherapists in private practice were conducted. Systematic text condensation was used to analyze the data. Findings: Three main categories appeared i) The patient in the center, ii) Unclear role in the sick leave work and iii) Good basic competence, but the need for more knowledge about regulations and social security topics. Conclusion: The physiotherapists address questions about work in the treatment of patients on sick leave for musculoskeletal pain. The interdisciplinary collaboration is limited, and much of the communication with other actors goes via the patient. The physiotherapists still believe they are an important professional group concerning sickness absence, but they need clarification of their own role and responsibility in this work, as well as more knowledge about regulations and social security topics. Keywords: Musculoskeletal pain, sick leave, interdisciplinary collaboration, work participation. Dictus Hip For de med redusert styrke i benmuskulaturen! www.erimed.se order@erimed.se, +46 (0)8 449 56 50 Dictus Hip gir kraft til benet i svingfasen, og dermed en bedre gangfunksjon. Dictus Hip gir direkte respons vedrørende resultatet. For mer informasjon: