Fysioterapeuten 8-2020

FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 8/20 81 Title: The experience of a changing body through pregnancy: Young womens’ stories Abstract n Object : The focus on the pregnant and postpartum female body in terms of health, physical function and appearance is greatly increasing. The aim of this article is to explore the meaning of the pregnancy and postpartum period for women’s experiences with and consciousness of their body, in a time characterized by certain types of body fixation as well as the increasing role of social media. n Methods : Methodologically, the study is rooted in the hermeneutic tradition. Semi-structured individual interviews of 6 women, aged 20-30 years, who gave birth to their first child 3-9 months ago. Audiofile, transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. A phenomenological understanding of body and health as well as cultural theory is central to the interpretation of womens’ experiences and thoughts. n Results : The study brings knowledge about the womens’ ambivalent relationship with their bodies, where the goal is to fulfill the claims of motherhood, take care of themselves and look good. A strongly objectification of their own body during this phase, and an experience of losing control of their body, is central findings. They also give insight in a society that promotes and cultivates perfection, and the exposure of others happiness affect them in many ways. At the same time, they experience motherhood as a new identity, that releases them from some aspects of the social pressure. n Conclusion : The womens’ stories strengthen the knowledge of how going through pregnancy and maternity can be challenging, also in new ways. Social media contributes to a certain type of body image, also for the pregnant and postpartum female body subject. The study brings insight to some partly new issues that are relevant to physiotherapists’ practice. n Keywords : Female body, pregnancy and maternity, body image, social media. st/2006/04/individualisering_-_en_sosio- logisk_modell 17. Ziehe, T. (1986). Inför avmystifieringen av världen : Ungdom och kulturell moderni- sering (p. Postmoderna tider? Stockholm : Norstedts, 1986). Stockholm. 18. Kvale, S & Brinkmann, S. (2015). Det kvalitative forskningsintervjuet. Gyldendal Norsk forlag. 19. Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Rese- arch in Psychology, 3(2), 77–101. 20. Stige, B. Malterud, K. & Midtgaarden, T. (2009). Towards an agenda for evaluation of qualitative research. Qualitative Health Research 19(10), 1504-1516. Hentes fra: https://journals-sagepub-com.pva.uib.no/ doi/pdf/10.1177/1049732309348501 21. Skårderud, F. (2013). Selvportrettet: En introduksjon. Selviakttakelsen: Om øyet, ansiktet og kroppen i speilet. Om selvpor- tretter som portretter av selvet gjennom ti- dene. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening , Vol 50, nummer 4, 2013, side 298-306. Hentes fra : http://www.psykologtidsskrif- tet.no/index.php?seks_id=317714&a=2 22. Bjørlykhaug, S.K (2016). “Psykomotorisk fysioterapi for flinke piker”: Fysioterapeu- ters erfaringer og refleksjoner fra klinikken. Akademisk avhandling, Universitetet i Tromsø. 23. Malterud, K. (2011). (3. utgave) Kvalitative metoder i medisinsk forskning – en innfø- ring. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Sjekk ut www.L5.no eller ta kontakt på post@l5.no Prøv oss GRATIS i 7 dager - Ingen bindingstid! LÆR FRA DE BESTE • Når du vil. Hvor du vil. • Fysioterapikurs på video. • Team medlemskap for klinikker, kommuner og sykehus Kunnskapsformidling i Fysioterapeuten Fysioterapeuten er et nivå 1-tidsskrift, noe som vil si at publiserte vitenskapelige artikler krediteres med publikasjonspoeng. Vi tar også imot fagkronikker, fagessays, kasusrapporter, sammendrag fra artikler publisert internasjonalt, prosjektsammendrag, samt sammendrag fra doktorgradsavhandlinger. Ønsker du å bidra med kunnskapsformidling i Fysioterapeuten? Gå inn på https://fysioterapeuten.no/forfatterveiledning/121682