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Title: Exercise type, adherence and dosage of a muscle strength training program for patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis Abstract n Purpose : Describe types, adherence, and dosage of exercises and outcomes for a strength-training program in patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis. n Design : Pre-post design. n Material : Fifty-two patients between 35 and 70 years with mild to moderate sympto- matic knee osteoarthritis were included. n Methods : A 12-week strength-training program including training diaries was imple- mented. The following outcome measures were used: isokinetic quadriceps muscle strength test, the Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), the Numeric rating Scale (NRS) for pain, global rating of change in function (GRC) and the self-reported questi- onnaire for physical activity. n Results : A mean of 7.9 ±3.6 and 12.5±3.3 for neuromuscular- and strength exerci- ses, respectively, were performed per week. Seventy-three percent of the patients completed ≥80% of the exercise sessions. There was a mean increase of 36±25% in resistance for leg extension exercise during the leg extension exercise during the 12- week program. But only 18% achieved a change above a minimal detectable change for quadriceps muscle strength. Sixty-seven percent reported a change in function (GRC) and 22% a reduction in pain (NRS). n Conclusion : This 12-week strength-training program had satisfactory adherence, but the doses were probably too low to gain clinical relevant changes in quadriceps muscle strength and in patient reported outcomes. n Keywords : knee osteoarthritis, adherence, progression, strength training, rehabili- tation. En mer hygienisk dag? – Antibakterielt og antimicrobielt trekk NYE TREKK www.fysiopartner.no | salg@fysiopartner.no | T: 23 05 11 60
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