Fysioterapeuten 9-2019

FYSIOTERAPEUTEN 9/19 71 general practice programme of home based exercise to prevent falls in elderly women. Bmj, 1997. 315(7115): p. 1065-9 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.315.7115.1065 . 11. Skelton, D., et al., Tailored group exercise (Falls Management Exercise FaME) reduces falls in community-dwelling older frequent fallers (an RCT). Age and Ageing, 2005. 34(6): p. 636-639 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afi174 . 12. Taraldsen, K., et al. Funksjonsvedlikehold og gruppetrening for eldre - gjennomføring og evaluering av praksis. Fysioterapeuten 2010; 20-26]. Available from : https://fysiote- rapeuten.no/Fag-og-vitenskap/Fagartikler/Funksjonsvedlikehold-og-gruppetrening-for- eldre-gjennomfoering-og-evaluering-av-praksis . 13. Granbo, R., et al. Forebyggende gruppetrening for hjemmeboende eldre ; hvem deltar og hva gir motivasjon til å delta? Fysioterapeuten 2015; 12-18]. Available from : http:// fysioterapeuten.no/Fag-og-vitenskap/Fagartikler/Forebyggende-gruppetrening-for- hjemmeboende-eldre-Hvem-deltar-og-hva-gir-motivasjon-til-aa-delta . 14. Jones, C.J., R.E. Rikli, and W.C. Beam, A 30-s chair-stand test as a measure of lower body strength in community-residing older adults. Res Q Exerc Sport, 1999. 70(2): p. 113- 9 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/02701367.1999.10608028 . 15. Rikli, R.E. and C.J. Jones, Development and Validation of a Functional Fitness Test for Community-Residing Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 1999. 7(2): p. 129-161 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1123/japa.7.2.12 9. 16. Lundin, H., et al., One-leg standing time and hip-fracture prediction. Osteoporos Int 2014. 25(4): p. 1305-1311 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-013-2593-1 . 17. Bergh S., L.H., Selbæk G., Strand B.H., Taraldsen K., Thingstad P.,. Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) 2013; Available from : http://legeforeningen.no/Fagmed/Norsk-geriatrisk-forening/Nyheter/2013/SPPB- pa-norsk/ . 18. Fritz, S. and M. Lusardi, White Paper: “Walking Speed: the Sixth Vital Sign”. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2009. 32(2): p. 2-9 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1519/00139143- 200932020-00002 . 19. Yardley, L., et al., Development and initial validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale-Inter- national (FES-I). Age Ageing, 2005. 34(6): p. 614-9 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/ afi196 . 20. Delbaere, K., et al., The falls efficacy scale international (FES-I): a comprehensive longitudinal validation study. AGE AND AGEING, 2010 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1093/age- ing/afp225 . 21. Kyrdalen, I.L., et al., Associations between gait speed and well-known fall risk factors among community-dwelling older adults. Physiother Res Int, 2019. 24(1): p. e1743 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/pri.1743 . 22. Idland, G., et al., Physical performance as long-term predictor of onset of activities of daily living (ADL) disability: A 9-year longitudinal study among community-dwelling older women. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2012 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j. archger.2012.12.005 . 23. Bergland, A., Fall risk factors in community-dwelling elderly people. Norsk Epidemio- logi, 22(2), 2012 DOI : https://doi.org/10.5324/nje.v22i2.1561 . 24. Molanorouzi, K., S. Khoo, and T. Morris, Motives for adult participation in physical activity: type of activity, age, and gender. BMC public health, 2015. 15: p. 66 DOI : https:// doi.org/10.1186/s12889-015-1429-7 . 25. Hardy, S.E., et al., Improvement in Usual Gait Speed Predicts Better Survival in Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2007. 55(11): p. 1727-1734 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-5415.2007.01413.x . 26. Aartolahti, E., et al., Long-term strength and balance training in prevention of decline in muscle strength and mobility in older adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2019 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-019-01155-0 . 27. Gawler, S., et al., Reducing falls among older people in general practice: The ProAct65+ exercise intervention trial. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 2016. 67: p. 46-54 DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2016.06.019 . Title: Participation in preventive exercise group could maintain physical function in home-dwelling older adults, a pre-post study Abstract n Background : Sterk og stødig (Strong and steady) is a Norwe- gian group exercise program to prevent functional decline in home-dwelling older adults. The program is led by volunteer instructors in close cooperation with physiotherapists. n Aim : To evaluate if 12 weeks of Sterk og stødig group training once or twice weekly could improve physical function and reduce fear of falling among the participants in a Norwegian suburban Municipality. n Design : Pre-post design. n Objective and method : 78 group participants agreed to undergo tests for physical function (30 second sit-to-stand, Single leg stance with eyes open, 4 meter walking speed) and a questionnaire about fear of falling (Falls Efficacy Scale International). For repeated measurements we used paired t-test and Wilcoxon, and independent sample t-test and Mann Whitney U-test to compare groups. n Results : Mean age was 76.3 year (± 6.6), 81% female. After 12 weeks the participants increased 30 seconds sit-to stand with 1.2 times (95% CI 0.6, 1.9) and walking speed with 0.11 m/s (95% CI 0.07, 0.15) and showed no change in concern about falling. There was no difference in the results between those who participated once or twice weekly. n Conclusion : The participants showed increased physical function after 12 weeks group exercise. Sterk og stødig is an example of how physiotherapists through cooperation with volunteer instructors can provide weekly preventive group exercise to even more home-dwelling older adults. n Keywords : Home-dwelling older adults, preventive group exercise, physical function, fear of falling. Ekstra billig mobil- abonnement for alle med strøm fra Fjordkraft Ny strømavtale til jul? Som medlem av Norsk Fysioterapeutforbund får du spesialavtale på strøm fra Fjordkraft. Bestill nå og spar 300,- på din første strømregning. Les mer og se alle fordlene med å være kunde på fjordkraft.no/nff eller ring 230 06100.